2017 in review
What a year we had, thanks to our amazing tribe! We went from a little one-person pop-up shop vendor to a fully staffed, 5 day a week retail bakery in (so it seems!) the blink of an eye. And it's all because of the way our community came together to support this fledgling business.
I want to THANK YOU - you don't know how much your support and enthusiasm have meant to me, and to my family and staff. We worked hard, but it was (mostly) fun and totally worth it because of the friends we've made and the love we've felt. There just aren't enough thank you's to go around!
We've got some great things brewing for 2018: more classes and workshops, parties and events, even LIVE MUSIC in our shop! Come spring, we'll have an outdoor area where you can hang out, enjoy great bakes and free wifi, and even hear some great tunes. Our espresso machine will be hooked up soon, and we'll add a full roster of great coffee drinks to our menu.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for all the latest news. (Click the social icons to lead you there!) And THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU, many times over!